Markets Are Subject to a Giant Con Game, the Game of Confidence

 If the Christian wants to know God’s will, he turns to the Bible. If the Christian wants to discern right from wrong, he turns to the Bible…. Heading into a global recession first and then a US recession to follow. Consider the macro context here: Nine major economies are either in a recession or on the…


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US Futures Surge, Global Markets Rise Amid Lull In Bad News

Second Corinthians 9:6 says, “Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will reap generously.” The context is actually speaking about investing in our relationship with God, but it demonstrates how one must often sacrifice now to gain in the future. Similarly, Proverbs 3:9-10says, “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first…


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Drain the Swap: Pedostein Kingpin Takedown Analysis

Evil is usually thought of as that which is morally wrong, sinful, or wicked; however, the word evil can also refer to anything that causes harm, with or without the moral dimension. The word is used both ways in the Bible. Anything that contradicts the holy nature of God is evil (see Psalm 51:4). On the flip side, any…


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When You Get An Email Like This From The Fed, It May Be Time To Panic

The Greek word for “truth” is aletheia, which literally means to “un-hide” or “hiding nothing.” It conveys the thought that truth is always there, always open and available for all to see, with nothing being hidden or obscured. The Hebrew word for “truth” is emeth, which means “firmness,” “constancy” and “duration.” Such a definition implies an everlasting…


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