Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

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#Fraud #Banks #Money #Corruption #Bankers #Child Sex Crimes

72 Hours Before JPMorgan Offered $290 Million to Make Epstein Claims Go Away, a Lawyer Disclosed that the Bank Had Withheld 1500 Documents

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: June 26, 2023 ~ Sigrid McCawley, Managing Partner, Boies Schiller Flexner Sigrid McCawley is a Managing Partner at law firm, Boies Schiller Flexner, which has been representing the sexually assaulted and/or sex-trafficked victims of Jeffrey…

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell Insists There Won’t Be A Recession When All The Evidence Suggests Otherwise

It’s happening again.  Just like last time around, the head of the Federal Reserve is telling us that there won’t be a recession even though all of the evidence suggests otherwise.  Just before the recession of 2008, Federal Reserve Chair…

11 Reasons Why So Many Experts Believe That A US Economic Crisis Is Imminent

With all of that said, let me make it clear, I believe the Bible gives us the freedom to spend reasonable amounts of money on entertainment/fun. If all other financial responsibilities are being fully and properly managed, there is nothing…

Hong Kong Activist Leader Calls For A Run On Chinese Banks Tomorrow

To be lawless is to be contrary to the law or to act without regard to the law. Laws are necessary in a sinful world (1 Timothy 1:9), and those who choose to act lawlessly further sin in the world….

Trump Slams Fed After Market Meltdown: “As Usual, Powell Let Us Down”

Scripture shows us that physical evils—sickness, famine, war, and death—are the result of moral evil. And moral evil is something human beings are all responsible for, on a personal and a communal level. We suffer because of our own sins…

Bank of America: “Enjoy It While It Lasts”

The term double-minded comes from the Greek word dipsuchos, meaning “a person with two minds or souls.” It’s interesting that this word appears only in the book of James (James 1:8; 4:8). Bible scholars conclude that James might have coined this word. To grasp…

“This Is a Fraud” – Wework Co-Founder Cashes out $700m as IPO Looms

Greed and a desire for riches are traps that bring ruin and destruction. “The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil,” and Christians are warned, “Do not put your trust in wealth” (see 1 Timothy 6:9-10, 17-18). Covetousness,…

Absolute Power Molests Absolutely Birth Pains

Generally speaking, the ungodly are those who do not know God through Jesus Christ. They have rejected God’s Son and remain in their sins. Those who are in Christ have their sins forgiven and are becoming more godly. Believers naturally…