Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

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Fail Banks

Gallup Poll: Confidence in U.S. Banks Stood at 60 Percent in 1979. Today, It Stands at 26 Percent

The polling organization, Gallup, conducted a survey between June 1-22 to update its annual poll that measures the confidence that Americans have in key U.S. institutions. Banks, as might be expected, continued their downward trend, registering an abysmal 26 percent…

CBDCs Gain Momentum: 130 Countries Now On The Runway

As digital currencies such as CBDCs begin to take a more pivotal role in the global economy, recent studies indicate an increase in their adoption rate among the world’s economies. Currently, 130 countries, which make up 98% of the global…

Congress gives America a special Christmas present: higher taxes

You’ve got to hand it to these people– Congress really knows how to bring out the holiday cheer. They have some sort of pathological need to pass the most absurd legislation at the VERY END OF THE YEAR giving people…

Incentives (And Sociopaths) Rule The World

Ryan Murphy, an economist at Southern Methodist University, recently published a working paper in which he ranked each of the states by the predominance of—there’s no nice way to put it—psychopaths. The winner? Washington in a walk. In fact, the capital scored…

Failed Bank List-Federal officials expect turbulence in the banking industry to continue into next year

Dishonesty is reproved in Scripture. God does not accept a Business or Business person who “practices deceit” (Psalm 101:7), and Jeremiah 9:5 says of a wicked society, “Everyone deceives his neighbor, and no one speaks the truth; they have taught their tongue…

Ray Dalio Warns A “New Paradigm” Is Coming: “Buy Gold, Sell Stocks”

The principle Jesus teaches in Luke 16:9 is that everything we own should be used to further God’s kingdom. We are God’s stewards. Just as the unjust steward in the parable was “shrewd” in benefitting himself materially, so we should be “shrewd”…

Regulators Shut down 5 More Banks; 89 Failures This Year

The Bible records two instances of Jesus cleansing the temple of money changers and those selling sacrificial animals. Jesus’ first encounter with money changers was at the beginning of His three-year ministry (John 2:14–16). He made a whip of cords and drove…

Bankers That Get Arrested, Banks In Trouble… As-it-happens update

If materialism was ever to satisfy anyone, it would have been Solomon, the richest king the world has ever known. He had absolutely everything and had more of it than anyone, and yet he found it was all worthless and…

Ex-bank CEO charged with lending millions to Paul Manafort in exchange for help getting Trump White House job

The Bible has a lot to say on the subject of injustice. We know that God is in favor of justice; we know that He is against injustice, even in the most basic terms. The writer of Proverbs mentions this:…