Money Lost To Crypto Ponzi Schemes In 2022 Surpasses Hacks And Exploits

According to a new report by TRM, more money was lost to cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes and scams throughout 2022 than to hacks and exploits. In the past year, crypto investors were scammed through various Ponzi schemes to the tune of at least $7.8 billion. In total, the intelligence company reported about victims lost about $9.04…


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Renowned Bitcoin Hater Peter Schiff Has Once Again Cast Doubt on the Cryptocurrency’s Long-Term Sustainability

Renowned Bitcoin hater Peter Schiff has once again cast doubt on the cryptocurrency’s long-term sustainability. Schiff recently expressed skepticism regarding the recent Bitcoin rally that saw its market capitalization earlier reach an impressive $31,000. According to Schiff, the current surge in BTC price is merely a temporary thing, and he believes that “the party” will…


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The SEC Is Making Deutsche’s CEO Personally Responsible For Bank’s Crimes

Since launching its last major international expansion push in the late 1990s, Deutsche Bank has become knonw – particularly over the last ten years – for manipulating markets (most recently in the precious metals “spoofing” scandal in the US) and aiding countless oligarchs and criminals in their money laundering endeavors, among other transgressions. The bank has…


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Next Problem-Hyperinflation

The public has lost faith in our institutions and political bodies after having been so obviously, comprehensively and repeatedly lied to over the years. Key to understanding spiritual deception is the fact that we often choose what we want to believe rather than what we should believe, even in the face of the evidence (Luke 16:31). “Even after Jesus…


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