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Former president stated he was “not a fan” of cryptocurrencies and called the central bank’s digital currency dangerous, vowing to ban them if elected.
Trump said, “I can live with it,” about bitcoin before the South Carolina primary.
A softening posture may result. The president said he was “not a fan” of cryptocurrencies in 2019.
Former president and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump said bitcoin (BTC) “has developed a life of its very own” and may need enforcement.
Trump spoke to Fox News during a South Carolina town hall on Tuesday before the GOP primary. Former South Carolina speaker Nikki Haley announced she will run even if she loses the Saturday primary.
Trump replied to Fox News host Laura Inghram that bitcoin had “taken a life of its own,” answering her question on U.S. embrace. You may need control. Many accept. I can handle it as more people demand bitcoin.”
His position may soften. In 2019, former President Trump called cryptocurrencies “probably not money.” I always liked one currency,” he said Tuesday. I like dollars.”
Trump has called central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) dangerous and threatened to abolish them if elected.
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