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Watchman: On Friday the Savior Was Hung on the Cross on Saturday It Seemed Like All Hope Was Lost, Then Everything Changed Come Sunday Morning…

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The Day That Changed Everything

The disciples were gathered in an upper room
Their world was sealed up in a garden tomb
And there in the darkness, they were so afraid
Unsure of tomorrow and what they would face

‘Cause on Friday, the Savior died on a cross
Saturday, it seemed like all hope was lost
But soon, there would be calls for rejoicing
‘Cause everything changes come Sunday morning

Not one could remember the promise He made
That He’d lay His life down but in just three days
The grave would surrender, in total defeat
Yeah death would be swallowed up in Victory!

‘Cause on Friday, the Savior died on a cross
Saturday, it seemed like all hope was lost
But soon, there would be calls for rejoicing
‘Cause everything changes come Sunday morning

Oh when the Angel rolled, oh rolled that stone away
Then suddenly there’s hope when just three days ago


On Friday the Savior died on a cross
Saturday it seemed like all hope was lost
Soon there would be calls for rejoicing (calls for rejoicing)
‘Cause everything changes'(everything)
(Oh oh) Friday the Savior died on a cross
Saturday it seemed like all hope was lost
Soon there would be calls for rejoicing
‘Cause everything changes come Sunday morning
Come Sunday morning!

Just For You!

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


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