Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

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hedge fund

3/15/24: Hedge Fund Titan John Paulson Made $1 Billion in an Illegal Goldman Sachs Deal; Trump Is Now Floating Him for Treasury Secretary

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: Hedge Fund Titan, John Paulson According to headlines at Bloomberg News and Reuters this morning, Donald Trump is floating the notorious hedge fund billionaire, John Paulson, to be his next Treasury Secretary. Paulson has, apparently, earned…

3/8/24: Steve Mnuchin, the Treasury Secretary Under Trump and Known for His Involvement in Foreclosures, Teams up With Hedge Fund Individuals To Acquire a Struggling Bank Backed by Federal Insurance for Just $2 per Share.

By SRH, Steve Mnuchin, the former Treasury Secretary under Trump, has joined forces with his associates from his time as a foreclosure mogul at OneWest and various hedge funds and private equity firms to orchestrate a takeover at the struggling…

Michael Burry Bets $1.6 Billion Against Market: ‘Big Short’ Investor Takes Bearish Stance on S&P 500 and NASDAQ

BanksterCrime: In filings with securities authorities released on Monday, renowned hedge fund manager Michael Burry, whose exploits were famously captured in the film “The Big Short,” took a bearish stance on the market. Burry’s Scion Asset Management shorted the S&P…