Archive for March 2024
Watchman: On Friday the Savior Was Hung on the Cross on Saturday It Seemed Like All Hope Was Lost, Then Everything Changed Come Sunday Morning…
The Day That Changed Everything The disciples were gathered in an upper roomTheir world was sealed up in a garden tombAnd there in the darkness, they were so afraidUnsure of tomorrow and what they would face Chorus‘Cause on Friday, the Savior died on a crossSaturday, it seemed like all hope was lostBut soon, there would…
Watchman: It’s the Moment When the Music Stops Playing, Investors Stop Buying, and the Ponzi Game Ends Abruptly. It’s a Hard Crash. America’s on the Brink of Its Minsky Moment
By SRH, The Bible reminds us to stay vigilant and protect our hearts from the corruption of sin. Evil can only infiltrate our lives if we allow it to take root in our hearts, much like a vampire needing an invitation into your home. The first step in this spiritual battle is acknowledging its existence…
3/30/24: Five Banks Have a Combined Half Trillion Dollars in Commercial Real Estate Loans; Number 1 is JPMorgan Chase
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: Yesterday, American Banker released a report showing that five banks in the U.S. hold a combined half trillion dollars in commercial real estate (CRE) loans. It came as a big surprise to a lot of folks that the bank holding the largest amount of CRE loans is JPMorgan Chase – whose…
Sam Bankman-Fried, the Founder of FTX, Has Been Convicted of Fraud and Has Been Sentenced to a Lengthy 25-Year Prison Term
Good Day America… By SRH, FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried has been sentenced to 25 years in prison by U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan in New York. The judge rejected Bankman-Fried’s argument that FTX customers did not suffer any losses and accused him of lying during his trial. Bankman-Fried was convicted of conspiracy and fraud charges…
3/28/24: Billionaire Larry Fink of BlackRock, Which Grabbed Fed Bailouts in 2020-2021, Lectures Struggling Seniors on Making More Sacrifices
BanksterCrime: By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: Laurence (Larry) Fink, Chairman and CEO, BlackRock Yesterday, billionaire Larry Fink, Chairman and CEO of the giant investment manager BlackRock, released his annual letter to shareholders. In it, Fink revives the same ole trope that billionaires Kenneth Langone and Stanley Druckenmiller were taking on a road show in 2013. Back…
3/27/24: The Global CBDC Roll-Out Is Coming
By SRH, Worldwide, the rollout of Central Bank Digital Currencies is getting closer. China, with its digital Yuan leading the way, is conducting a massive trial involving over 25 million people. New guidelines for tourists using CBDCs for the first time were released this week. The United States appears to be the only country that…
3/26/24: Wall Street’s Go-To Law Firm, Sullivan & Cromwell, Got in Bed with Crypto; Now Its Reputation Is Being Hammered
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: Ryne Miller, Former Sullivan & Cromwell Partner Who Became General Counsel of FTX.US Since January, the reputation of Wall Street’s go-to law firm, Sullivan & Cromwell, has been repeatedly hammered. It all stems from the law firm’s decision some years ago to involve itself in legal representations of crypto firms and/or…
“Have Fun Staying Poor” – Bitcoin Standard’s Ammous Warns “The Dollar Is Over… The Fiat Bargain Broke Down”
“For me, the dollar is over. The Fiat bargain broke down… …Show me what you’ve done with your portfolio with your bonds with your stocks over the last five years and how has it outperformed Bitcoin. Have fun staying poor.” In this excellent discussion, renowned economist Saifedean Ammous, explains the superiority of Bitcoin over fiat…
3/22/24: FTX Was Down to Last 105 Bitcoins When Bankruptcy Rescue Crew Arrived: John Ray,Ray Said Bankman-Fried’s Victims “Will Never Be Returned to the Same Economic Position They Would Have Been in Today Absent His Colossal Fraud
By Cheyenne Ligon Current FTX CEO John J. Ray III is pushing back against his disgraced predecessor Sam Bankman-Fried’s claims that customers lost “zero” money in the exchange’s 2022 collapse, calling them “categorically, callously, and demonstrably false.” In a victim impact statement penned by Ray on behalf of FTX and its subsidiaries, Ray told New…
3/21/24:From The Analyst, What’s Next For Crypto?
After a staggering crypto rally, primarily led by Bitcoin, it is fair to say that the approval of spot bitcoin U.S. ETFs in January approval was a game-changer. Since January 10, crypto’s total market cap has surged from $1.5 trillion to $2.4 trillion, a 60% increase. Nonetheless, crypto remains a nascent and niche asset class…