Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

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BanksterCrime: By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: April 17, 2024 ~ According to Federal Reserve data, for the first time in its history, the Fed has been losing money on a consistent basis since September 28, 2022. As of the last reporting…

3/10/24: Crude Oil, Gold, and Other Commodities’ Closing Prices

By SRH, In the stock market today, benchmark U.S. crude oil for April delivery experienced a decline of 92 cents, settling at $78.01 per barrel on Friday. Similarly, Brent crude for May delivery also fell by 88 cents, reaching $82.08…

Democracy Is How Trump Came to Power. They Are Not About to Allow a Non-career Politician to Ever Take Power

Blog/Civil Unrest Posted Jul 27, 2023 by Martin Armstrong Spread the love There is no question that the real problem here is that the financial system is collapsing. These morons have been borrowing since World War II with ZERO intention…

Gold Is the Most Trusted Currency in the World and Has Been for Over 2,500 Years. However, With the Advent of Bitcoin, There Is Now a New Alternative to Dollars

by Tyler Durden Friday, Jun 30, 2023 – 04:40 PM Authored by Nick Giambruno via, International Man: For over 2,500 years, gold has been mankind’s most enduring money. However, with the emergence of Bitcoin there is a new hard money…

“A Multitrillion Dollar Helicopter Credit Drop”: How The Fed Turned $454 Billion Into $4.5 Trillion

Force is now the only rule remaining in deep state-controlled America. Everything has collapsed, no free speech, no fair trial, no system of justice, no reasonable expectation of human rights anywhere, no fair elections, no trustworthy news, no legitimate Wall…

Goldman On Gold: “Time To Buy The Currency Of Last Resort”

A month ago, Goldman Sachs suggested there is more to come for precious metals as with rates getting closer to their lower bound, gold looks increasingly like the safest haven. At the start of March, Goldman’s head of commodity strategy said there…

Historic Losses Occur as Wall Street Finally Realizes the Threat That the Coronavirus Poses to the Global Economy

Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades,…

Will COVID-19 Lead To A Gold Standard?

Even before the coronavirus sprang upon an unprepared China the credit cycle was tipping the world into recession. The coronavirus makes an existing situation immeasurably worse, shutting down China and disrupting global supply chains to the point where large swathes of…

“Extreme Greed” Trigger’d – Gold, Bonds, & Stocks Rally As Dollar Dives

Thanks to a melt-up today, US equities (apart from Trannies) ended the week higher… But today’s gains were farcically driven by a full-court press of jawboning (5 Fed Speakers, Mnuchin, and Kudlow) to open the US equity markets… 0830ET Jobs Beat –…

Central Bank Issues Stunning Warning: “If The Entire System Collapses, Gold Will Be Needed To Start Over”

It’s not just “tinfoil blogs” who (for the past 11 years) have been warning that a monetary reset is inevitable and the only viable fallback option once trust and faith in fiat is lost, is a gold standard (something which even Mark…