Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

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chase Epstein’s child sex-trafficking

Jamie Dimon Faces an Uphill Battle Convincing a Jury He Didn’t Know that Child Sex-Trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein, Was Financing His Operation Out of JPMorgan

BanksterCrime: By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: August 9, 2023 ~ Jamie Dimon is between a rock and a hard place. He is either going to have to convince a jury come October that he was left in the dark by…

Watchman Bud Light This Bank: JPMorgan Chase Is Back to De-banking, but Not in a Good Way Once Again, It’s Failing to Provide Any Explanations. And Once Again, It’s Targeting Individuals Who Have the Audacity to Question the Alleged Left Government/Woke Business Conspiracy Against Liberty…

BanksterCrime:   HNewsWire: At about the same time, it appears, Chase debanked, without warning, Drs. Syed Haider and Joseph Mercola. Wait, no. Not just them, but also Dr. Mercola’s employees – and his and their families. All without explanation. These debankings don’t…

Lawyers for Epstein’s Victims Ask for $87 Million in Legal Fees from the $290 Million JPMorgan Settlement; Victims Could Get Nothing after Releasing their Claims

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: June 26, 2023 ~ U.S. District Court Judge, Jed Rakoff, of the Southern District of New York, Is Hearing the Jeffrey Epstein Related Cases Against JPMorgan Chase There are three shocking takeaways from the class…