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Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

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Bonds, Bitcoin, Big-Tech, & Bullion Soar As ‘Bad News’ Is Good News Again

by Tyler Durden It’s been an ugly couple of days for micro- and macro- data in the US (and globally) as retailers signal a far more-stressed American consumer than the market would like to believe, and global PMIs scream stagflation…

Morgan Stanley Sounds The Alarm On Record High Bond Duration, Is Starting To Buy Bond Volatility

You Have More Duration than You Think 2020 has seen a pandemic inflict enormous human and economic cost. In 2Q, the global economy contracted by the largest amount on record and, as autumn approaches, major questions around returning to school,…

The Destruction of Civilization

Implications of extreme monetary interventions When I was asked to write an article about the impact of negative interest rates and negative-yielding bonds, I thought this is a chance to look at the topic from a broader perspective. There have…

“Extreme Greed” Trigger’d – Gold, Bonds, & Stocks Rally As Dollar Dives

Thanks to a melt-up today, US equities (apart from Trannies) ended the week higher… But today’s gains were farcically driven by a full-court press of jawboning (5 Fed Speakers, Mnuchin, and Kudlow) to open the US equity markets… 0830ET Jobs Beat –…

Blain: “Central Banks Are No Longer A Solution – They Have Become The Risk”

“A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.” This speaks against the “get-rich-quick” mentality. Looking at investment as a long-term plan for the future is good planning, but trying to make…