Bank Behind World’s Largest Money Laundering Scandal Offered Russians Gold Bars To Hide Their Fortune
Greed is responsible for much sorrow. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 6:10, “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” But is greed only about money? No. Greed goes much further than money. What is greed exactly then? What does God or the Bible have to say about it? Greed is a spiritual…
Dalio: “The World Has Gone Mad And The System Is Broken”
Another way of putting this country situation, we are on the doorsteps of biblical tribulations…. The Entire “Success” Of Un-godly Depend On Keeping The People Wildly Ignorant Of Reality I say these things because: Money is free for those who are creditworthy because the investors who are giving it to them are willing to get…
Next Problem-Hyperinflation
The public has lost faith in our institutions and political bodies after having been so obviously, comprehensively and repeatedly lied to over the years. Key to understanding spiritual deception is the fact that we often choose what we want to believe rather than what we should believe, even in the face of the evidence (Luke 16:31). “Even after Jesus…
The United States, Along with Virtually Every “Developed” Country, Are Effectively Bankrupt
What conclusions can be drawn from the above biblical examples? The guidelines for a Christian’s civil disobedience can be summed as follows: • Christians should resist a government that commands or compels evil and should work nonviolently within the laws of the land to change a government that permits evil.• Civil disobedience is permitted when the government’s laws or…
Russia Urges “Independence” from “Imposed World Order” of Us Financial System
The problem with the acceptance and approval of any New World Order is that no government has ever offered, nor will it ever offer, real hope and peace for mankind. When a man turns to government to provide worldwide peace and hope, he becomes disillusioned and enslaved by its false promises. History has proven time…
Rickards Warns: Robo-Trading Will End In Disaster
We are tempted by our “own evil desire” first (James 1:14). That’s not to say every unbeliever is blatantly and spitefully turning from what is known to be true. But the unbeliever’s desire for self-satisfaction makes Satan’s deception all the more potent. Today, stock markets and other markets such as bonds and currencies can best…
The collapse of the banking system
False apostles are motivated by their greed, lust, or power. Second Timothy 3:1–8 describes such teachers in more detail: “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not…
Regulators Shut down 5 More Banks; 89 Failures This Year
The Bible records two instances of Jesus cleansing the temple of money changers and those selling sacrificial animals. Jesus’ first encounter with money changers was at the beginning of His three-year ministry (John 2:14–16). He made a whip of cords and drove them out. The second time He confronted the money changers was the week before His…
Epstein’s Elite Wall Street Ties Revealed In Filing
The world offers conflicting views of what being a man is all about. Some say that being a man requires grit, square-jawed determination, working knowledge of weaponry, and, preferably, rock-solid abs. Others say that manliness is about getting in touch with one’s feelings, caring for the less fortunate, and being sensitive. Still, others would include…
From Russia-Gate To Deep-State-Gate: “All Hell May Break Loose”
When men know the truth and refuse to receive it, when they refuse to obey it and hold it in unrighteousness, “they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth” (2 Thessalonians 2:12 NLT). The Deep State almost always wins. But if AG Barr leans hard on Trump to unfetter investigators, all hell…