Shocking Statistics
Get Ready For World Money
Since Federal Reserve resources were barely able to prevent a complete collapse in 2008, it should be expected that an even larger collapse will overwhelm the Fed’s balance sheet. That’s exactly the situation we’re facing right now. The specter of a global debt crisis suggests the urgency for new liquidity sources, bigger than those that…
Wall Street Analyst Jobs Vanish As Banks Take An Axe To Research With Market At Record Highs
Is the death of Wall Street equity research finally at hand? Because who needs an expensive team of analysts when clients can easily reap double-digit returns by dumping their money into passive funds? The fact that sell-side research departments have been shedding analysts this year is hardly a surprise. MiFID II regulations made it clear from…
The Collapse of Wall Street Lunacy: Wework Company Founded by Delusional Hype Artist May Soon Have to File for Bankruptcy
Nine years ago, the founder of the WeWork Company promised to “elevate the world’s consciousness.”The delusional hype artist, Adam Neumann, has been abruptly terminated, as the company’s initial public offering continues to implode. The failure of this company is a microcosm of the disaster waiting to happen with Wall Street. With a successful IPO, WeWork would…
Waking into Our New Volatile Age of Oil Prices
The Bible has a lot to say on the subject of injustice. We know that God is in favor of justice; we know that He is against injustice, even in the most basic terms. The writer of Proverbs mentions this: “The LORD detests differing weights, / and dishonest scales do not please him” (Proverbs 20:23).…
Follow The Money- The Bankers Do, One Banker Arrested In This Sex Solicitation Sting…
The Banker,money whores, greedy,” Narcissists” they are involved in every illicit money transaction in the world, including selling children, check with your banker to make sure they’re not prostituting children. Greed is a strong and selfish desire to have more of something, most often money or power. There are many warnings in the Bible about…
Share Buybacks Have Created a Dangerous Bubble in Wall Street Bank Stocks
Greed is a strong and selfish desire to have more of something, most often money or power. There are many warnings in the Bible about giving in to greed and longing for riches. Jesus warned, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance…
The Criminal Case Against Merrill Lynch: “Sinister,” “Whores,” “Beards”
Many of the loans we are familiar with in modern times come from banks, and the Bible doesn’t say much about this. While the Bible does not prohibit the charging of interest, it does warn against becoming too concerned with money, telling us that we cannot serve both God and money at the same time…
He is a no stranger to the readers of business and corporate crime.
God did not overlook the corruption in Noah’s day: “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). In judgment for sin, God promised to send a Flood to destroy man and the earth (Genesis…
Second ex Barclays banker convicted in London Euribor re-trial
It is the love of money, and not money itself, that is the problem. The love of money is a sin because it gets in the way of worshipping God. Jesus said it was very hard for rich people to enter the Kingdom of God. When the rich young ruler asked Jesus what he should…