Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

Con Games

Five-Count Felon JPMorgan Chase Gets Hit with Another Federal Fine for 40 Million Derivative Violations; Pays 37 1/2 Cents Per Violation

BanksterCrime: By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: In the eyes of Wall Street veterans who are paying close attention to what’s…


Satan Soldier Larry Fink’s Fake ESG Facade Crumbles as Blackrock Names Aramco Liar Con Man CEO Nasser to Its Board–Blackrock is The Enemy!

HNewsWire: Three weeks ago, at the Aspen Ideas Festival, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink revealed that he had abandoned the term…


Stocks Are Crashing, VIX Spikes As Option-Players Panic-Buy Protection

Trouble: VIX is back above 30… …and its put-buying not call-buying this time… The S&P is down over 3% and…


After “Extraordinary Event” Crushes Traders, Credit Suisse Forced To Accelerate “Berserk” NatGas ETN

Following yesterday’s “berserk” price action in Credit Suisse’s 3x Inverse Natural Gas ETN, the Swiss banking giant has been forced…


Banks Brace For A Historic Crash With Record Loss Provisions

For many years after the financial crisis, US commercial banks were mocked when instead of generating earnings the old-fashioned way,…


Another Iconic Deflationist Capitulates: According To Russell Napier, “Control Of Money Supply Has Permanently Left The Hands Of Central Bankers

One by one the world’s legendary deflationists are taking one look at the following chart of the global money supply…


The Destruction of Civilization

Implications of extreme monetary interventions When I was asked to write an article about the impact of negative interest rates…


Dalio: “The World Has Gone Mad And The System Is Broken”

Another way of putting this country situation, we are on the doorsteps of biblical tribulations…. The Entire “Success” Of Un-godly…


US Media Is “Carrying Buckets Of Muddy Water For The ‘Coup Team’

How Far Will They Go? CBS-News carried another bucket of muddy water for the coup team Sunday night with a…


Six ‘Criminal’ Banks Finally Identified and Exposed! Why No Media Coverage?

Why is it so important to understand and embrace the concept of absolute truth in all areas of life (including…
