“Watershed” Moment: Is Gold Signaling Stocks Now On “Shaky Footing”?
I rarely discuss financial markets these days. Although I pay attention, it’s not in the obsessive manner I did a…
Front-Month WTI Crude Crashes Below Zero For First Time Ever
Over the last several decades, have we ever seen a year start as strangely as 2020 has? Global weather patterns…
Get Ready For World Money
Since Federal Reserve resources were barely able to prevent a complete collapse in 2008, it should be expected that an…
Blain: “Step Back, Hunker Down, Get Ready…”
“Vulgar, but not a vulgar as Louis Vuitton, thought Sherman.” Perhaps it’s time to think about the unthinkable and close…
“Tankers, Tankers. Everywhere!” – Virus Causes Historic’ Traffic Jam’ Across Asian Supply Lines
Covid-19’s effect on global energy markets has been disastrous. OPEC slashed its oil demand forecast last week, and Goldman Sachs doubled down…
What Upstanding Citizens Believe Vs. What Crazy Conspiracy Theorists Believe
Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via Medium.com, Source Crazy, stupid conspiracy theorists believe a mature worldview requires skepticism toward power. Smart upstanding…
Global Markets Hit All-Time High As Traders Brace For “Phase Two” Optimism
This is where we stand as we enter Monday morning: European markets are firmer this morning, though the FTSE 100…
Election Apocalypse: Investors Fears Very Negative Event a Year From Here and Are Placing Bets to Hedge Themselves
The stock exchange is somehow similar to weather forecasts. You never know what’s going to happen but it’s better to…
Its BS, Fracking Blows Up Investors Again: Phase 2 Of The Great American Shale Oil & Gas Bust
In 2019 through the third quarter, 32 oil and gas drillers have filed for bankruptcy, according to Haynes and Boone. Since…
Dalio: “The World Has Gone Mad And The System Is Broken”
Another way of putting this country situation, we are on the doorsteps of biblical tribulations…. The Entire “Success” Of Un-godly…