Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

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By BanksterCrime

Rioters targeted some of the richest areas in the capital of our country. Early Tuesday morning, several businesses suffered damage as well as injuries among residents. Among the objectives of the marauding crowd of thugs were City Center, Logan Circle and Georgetown. Many fires were started as well. Among the various upscale stores the rioters target is Gucci. That type of violence has dogged other big cities as well. One main problem is the consequences for criminal behavior. While police make the arrests, George Soros district attorneys are fast to release the offenders back into the public. Still another reason crime ranks among the main worries of voters. The violence is only going to get worse; it is intolerable that offenders have more rights than victims; unless a change is made at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. No God No Peace


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By StevieRay Hansen

BanksterCrime: After JPMorgan Threatens to Sue, the Fed Cuts Its Capital Requirement on the 5-Count Felon from a Planned 25 Percent Hike to Less than…


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By StevieRay Hansen

BanksterCrime:  By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, The Office of Financial Research (OFR), the federal agency created after the 2008 financial collapse on Wall Street…


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By BanksterCrime

HNewsWire: Saudi Arabia’s Wealth Fund Dumps Its JPMorgan Chase Stock; Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Did the Same in 2020 By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Foreign…


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Deep Dive into the Dark Side of Banking and Its Handmaiden, Central Banks, Its All Build On Thin Air

By StevieRay Hansen

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 9, 2024 ~ Last September, speaking at a conference sponsored by the nonprofit watchdog, Better Markets, to examine if “too…


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The Federal Reserve Has Abruptly Terminated the Banking Bailout Program That Has Been Sustaining Institutions. Expect Banks To Start Collapsing in the Near Future

By StevieRay Hansen

By SRH,The federal authorities seem to be on the verge of closing down the Regional National Banks in order to usher in digital currency. Tribulations…

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