Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

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BanksterCrime: Consequently, the initial economic policy proposed by Kamala Harris and her associate from Minnesota aligns with their “economic agenda.”

The concept of “unintended side effects” associated with price controls, as outlined in numerous mainstream economics textbooks, is fundamentally flawed. A historical perspective reveals a 4,000-year legacy of economic disasters linked to such measures, extending beyond the Soviet Union and other communist regimes. It appears that Kamala Harris and her advisors are indifferent to this reality, as well as to the concerns of the public.


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How Greed Destroys America, Greed Has No Regard For Others

By StevieRay Hansen

Capital sins derive their name from the Latin caput, meaning “head.” Thomas Aquinas later would call them not “sins,” but “vices.” Aquinas declared that a capital…


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BANKS: A Biblical Perspective Of The Bankerster, A Sadducee Wrapped In A Pharisees Loincloth…

By StevieRay Hansen

The Bankster’s hate bad press (lucky for them they own most of the mainstream media), so the situation was quickly rectified. This is but one…


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Financial and Banking Cover-ups

By StevieRay Hansen

The most heinous example of a bribe in the Bible is the thirty pieces of silver that Judas received to betraythe Lord Jesus. A direct result of Judas’s…


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Russia Urges “Independence” from “Imposed World Order” of Us Financial System

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The problem with the acceptance and approval of any New World Order is that no government has ever offered, nor will it ever offer, real…


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Rickards Warns: Robo-Trading Will End In Disaster

By StevieRay Hansen

 We are tempted by our “own evil desire” first (James 1:14). That’s not to say every unbeliever is blatantly and spitefully turning from what is…


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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


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