Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

4/1/2024: The Threshold Sign of the Beast, Assembling the Essential Components for the Mark of the Beast “CBDC”

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By SRH, The Threshold Sign of the Beast, Assembling the Essential Components for the Mark of the Beast

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:16-18

By SRH, Worldwide, the rollout of Central Bank Digital Currencies is getting closer. China, with its digital Yuan leading the way, is conducting a massive trial involving over 25 million people. New guidelines for tourists using CBDCs for the first time were released this week. The United States appears to be the only country that is hesitant about adopting CBDCs, as there are conflicting reports from officials on the matter. There are several possible reasons for this. It could be due to concerns about de-dollarization and opposition from US Imperialists. Another possibility is that the US has a more cash-based economy compared to other developed nations, which may make the transition to digital currencies more challenging. Lastly, there is a chance that there is a deliberate propaganda campaign aimed at promoting CBDCs in anti-America circles. It is worth noting that…Read More

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Update 3/21/24: They Lied to Us Once Lied Again, The U.S. Federal Reserve and President Joe Biden’s administration have emphasized the importance of developing digital currency. Despite previous statements, the Fed recently informed Congress that the creation of a digital dollar is one of its main responsibilities. Republican Rep. Tom Emmer disclosed this information, underscoring the Biden administration’s commitment to advancing CBDC development. The congressman clarified that his office had received it while the Fed representatives were at Congress for a presentation. The document states that digital “payment systems” are considered one of the “primary responsibilities of the Fed.” Included in the “primary responsibilities” are the creation of the CBDC and FedNow – the Federal Reserve’s digital cash payment system. The mention of Automated Clearinghouse and FedNow among the “key duties” triggered the alarm. These payment systems are commonly seen…Read More

Not sure which scent you would like? You can select Assortment of 3 or 6 Scents and you will be able to try different scents. If you have any preferences, please specify. If not, you will receive a random assortment.

Scents Available:
Amber Romancing is a rich combination of amber, African vanilla, and musk with a faint undertone of black cherry.
A Thousand Dreams is a whimsical blue scented in a warm mix of fruity and floral notes with peach, peony, lily, musk, sandalwood, and amber.
Bomb Shell Kisses is a flirty, colorful blend of succulent purple passion fruit, burgundy Tuscan grapes, sun-kissed yellow peonies, fragrant vanilla orchids, and just a hint of fresh greenery.
Clouds in the Sky smells as if the heavens themselves have come alive. This scent starts with the aroma of fresh fruity citrus and sweet pineapple that blend with creamy coconut enhanced by warm vanilla and cashmere that wind down with a base of woods.
Cool Clear Water is a refreshing aquatic scent. The notes are crisp water, oakmoss, pine, cedar, and musk.
Crystal Amber exudes elegance and sophistication. It begins with luxurious citrus notes of bergamot and lime along with a hint of floral with the aroma of white cyclamen. The base notes of precious woods, tonka beans, and sensual musk along with the top notes surround a center of sweet amber and patchouli.
Dragons Blood truly has a smell all its own. This fragrance is based on the essential oil with the same name.
Lavender Dry Martini is where Gin martini meets lavender in a creative aroma. The scent notes are tangy lemon zest, orange, carbonation, bergamot, mint, lavender, and Rosewood.
Loving Spell is a fresh scent with mandarin orange, bergamot, tangerine, fresh peaches, strawberries, raspberries, and white musk.
Midnight Waters is a moody-mystical scent that opens with fruity notes of red berries, juicy tangerine, and bergamot. Then unfolds into bubbly Champagne, violet flowers, cashmere, amber, and musk.
Misty Cashmere is a sensual scent, with exotic spice notes. This fragrance has notes of saffron, pimento berries, white pepper, and a lovely blend of floral, patchouli, and vanilla.
Vanilla Lace & Pearls is a blend of French vanilla with African vanilla on a dry down of sweet flower and musk.
Vanilla Raspberry is an all-time favorite fragrance for soap. It is a beautiful magenta color. The scent notes are raspberry, strawberry, lemon, coconut, peach, honeysuckle, plum, and vanilla.
Warm Sandalwood is a warm, rich, and woodsy scent. The colors are warm and rich with brown, gold, and white.

Slim sized Perfume Oils are perfect to take with you in your hand bag, gym bag, or for traveling. Roll a small amount on your pulse points. These are very concentrated, absorb quickly, and last a long time.

All our fragrances do not have Phthalates, alcohol, parabens, or dyes!

Each Perfume Oil bottle will contain approximately 0.3 ounces and be approximately 3.25 inches tall.

Allergen: Our products contain oil from tree nuts. Please test on a small area of skin prior to use and stop using if irritation occurs. Do not use if you are pregnant. Do not use on infants under the age of 24 months. Do not get in your eyes. GoShopping

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


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