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BY SRH: He Federal Reserve Recently Disclosed Its Preliminary Income and Expenses for 2023, Revealing an Unprecedented $114.3 Billion in Operational Losses.
The Federal Reserve is a privately held corporation.
Congress shall have the authority to mint money and set its value, according to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. But today, the privately held Federal Reserve (FED) controls and makes money by creating money through the Treasury and setting its value. About 300 individuals or banks acquired ownership of the Federal Reserve Banking System at the outset of the Federal Reserve (stockholders buying shares for $100 a share; the stock is not traded publicly).
They comprise an unmatched global financial cartel of wealth (Reference 1, 14). Annual interest revenue collected by the FED banking system totals billions of dollars (Reference 8, 17), with profits distributed to shareholders. The FED was unlawfully granted the authority to print money (via the Treasury) at no cost to the FED by the Congress. The Federal Reserve generates money out of thin air, lends it to us via banks, and levies interest on our money. Additionally, the FED charges interest to US taxpayers for purchasing government debt with money generated on a printing press. Numerous presidents and members of Congress claim that this is fraud (References 1, 2, 3, 5, and 17).
In light of these unprecedented losses, the Federal Reserve maintains that a “deferred asset does not impact the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy or its ability to fulfill its financial obligations.” The assertion that deferred assets have no impact on the implementation of monetary policy raises some doubts. The second statement, which states that it does not affect the Fed’s ability to meet its financial obligations, is a waste of time.
In the United States, there have been several instances where established government policy has clashed with deeply held faiths. Many Christians in America have expressed concerns about how certain government policies align with their deeply held moral values. Amidst the 2008 economic crisis, there was significant speculation surrounding the government’s approach to economic policies and obligations (Reisenbichler, 2020). Many Christians have expressed concerns regarding the alignment of government economic organizations with biblical teachings.
There are several instances that demonstrate how the economic policies of the Federal Reserve contradict certain principles found in scripture. Some of the policies do not align with the principles regarding wealth and poverty as described in the teachings of faith. Activities such as debts practiced by the Federal Reserve have sparked controversy among those who adhere to Christian beliefs. The financial institution has developed unique methods and strategies to address fluctuations, loans, and supply and demand management, which may not always align with the principles outlined in the Bible.
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