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US Stock Market

Personal Finance Expert Says US Rating Downgrade Likely to Embolden BRICS Currency Supporters–Trouble Times Ahead For American’s

BanksterCrime: The American rating agency Fitch’s recent downgrade of the United States’ credit rating from AAA to AA+ may embolden proponents of a BRICS currency, Riley Adams, a personal finance expert, has said. Adams however argues that there are certain…

“Worst Thing In My Career” – US Stocks Suffer Fastest Collapse From Record Highs Since Great Depression

This didn’t age well… Donald J. Trump✔@realDonaldTrump Highest Stock Market In History, By Far!109K9:42 AM – Feb 19, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy28.4K people are talking about this A sea of red… The Dow has collapsed from a record high…

Preparing For A Financial Apocalypse: Insiders Are Selling “$600 Million Of Stock Per Day In August”

“Apocalypse” (ἀποκάλυψις) is a Greek word meaning “revelation”, “an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling”. As a genre, apocalyptic literature details the authors’ visions of the end times as revealed by an…

Nomura: Yesterday Was A Complete Rout, Raising Odds Of September “Lehman Shock”

When a society ignores the law, lawlessness is the result, and chaos ensues. The time of the judges after Joshua’s death was marked by upheaval, oppression, and general disorder. The biblical historian puts his finger on the reason for the…