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Stock Market

Chasing Apple Shares Higher Here “Is Extremely Dangerous”

Greed is responsible for much sorrow. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 6:10, “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” But is greed only about money? No. Greed goes much further than money… What is greed exactly then?…

China’s Stock Market Is in Free Fall 1/18/24

After a challenging couple of years for the Chinese economy, the country’s stock market appears to be in free fall, with officials urging institutional investors not to sell assets in an effort to keep share prices stable as foreigners withdraw….

Markets Will Crash within Days, Pull Out!

But, but, but… The ‘very successful’ IPO of Snowflake now has everyone who bought after its release yesterday now underwater… The Nasdaq is leading the plunge post-Powell… And bond yields are tumbling And don’t forget, tomorrow is quad-witch options expiry…

Liquidation: Stocks, Bonds, Bullion, & Bitcoin All Puked

Well that really did escalate quickly… Today had the feeling of ‘liquidation’ (similar to March) as big-tech stocks (growth/value rotation), bitcoin, bonds, and bullion were all dumped unceremoniously. While Nasdaq futs were bid along with everything else on Putin’s vaccine headlines…

Nasdaq Tumbles Into Red, Erases Vaccine Spike As ‘Memo Meltdown’ Continues

All major US equity indices spiked in the early hours overnight on the back of optimistic vaccine headlines from Russia. However, while Russell 2000 futures are holding gains up over 1%, Nasdaq has tumbled into the red as the last few…

Rabobank: “Markets Are, Across The Board, Totally Divorced From Reality. Facts No Longer Matter”

Make It So! Back in the 1980s, there was a lot of discussion at my college about “post-modernism”. At that point, it was in a strictly cultural sphere. It meant different things to different people, but I personally found enlightenment…

US Bankruptcies Busting Out to Match 2009 Peak Mean Trouble for Stock Market

The following article by David Haggith was published on The Great Recession Blog: Bloomberg reported this week that thirteen US companies (in the 50-million-plus size) filed for bankruptcy last week. That brought the total for the big boys and girls this year to…

The Blood Bath Has Begun

Don’t forget, the Spanish Flu pandemic lasted from January 1918 to December 1920.  Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Fear of the coronavirus is causing shutdowns on a global scale like we have never seen before.  Just about every major sporting event that you can…

Will The Coronavirus Outbreak Cause A Massive Stock Market Crash?

Could it be possible that this coronavirus outbreak will be the trigger that finally bursts the biggest stock market bubble in U.S. history? As I have discussed previously, stock prices in the United States were the most overvalued that they have…

12 Signs That The Economy Is Seriously Slowing Down As 2020 Begins

Lost in all of the headlines about Iran and impeachment is the fact that the U.S. economic slowdown which began during the latter stages of last year appears to be accelerating.  The final numbers which will tell us if we are…