Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

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Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs’ Bank Derivatives Have Grown from $40 Trillion to $54 Trillion in Five Years; So How Did Its Credit Exposure Improve by 200 Percent? By BanksterCrime: Source: Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Last Friday, Goldman Sachs Bank USA, the federally-insured,…

BanksterCrime: By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Robert Kaplan The swampiest trading house on Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, issued a press release on Tuesday which was revolting – even to Wall Street veterans who are familiar with its scandalous history. (See…

3/15/24: Hedge Fund Titan John Paulson Made $1 Billion in an Illegal Goldman Sachs Deal; Trump Is Now Floating Him for Treasury Secretary

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: Hedge Fund Titan, John Paulson According to headlines at Bloomberg News and Reuters this morning, Donald Trump is floating the notorious hedge fund billionaire, John Paulson, to be his next Treasury Secretary. Paulson has, apparently, earned…

Wall Street CEOs Want the Line Between a Federally-Insured Bank and a Wall Street Trading Casino Erased; Regulators Want Higher Capital to Prevent That

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: David Solomon, Chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs David Solomon, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, let it slip out at yesterday’s Senate Banking hearing what is really driving the mega banks’ backlash against federal banking…

After Two Years, There’s Still No Law Enforcement Report on Former Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan’s Trading Like a Hedge Fund Kingpin

BanksterCrime: By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 31, 2023 ~ Robert Kaplan, Former President of the Dallas Fed To understand how truly bizarre and alarming the trading scandal case involving former Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan is, some important background is…