Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

#Fraud #Banks #Money #Corruption #Bankers

Trump, Kushner and the Times Bombshell: What You Should Know About “Private” Banking in New York City

Greed and a desire for riches are traps that bring ruin and destruction. “The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil,” and Christians are warned, “Do not put your trust in wealth” (see 1 Timothy 6:9-10, 17-18). Covetousness,…

Wells Fargo personal banker pleads guilty to being part of nearly $20 million drug money laundering scheme

There are two types of people in jail or prison: those who were wrongfully accused and victimized by an unjust system, and those who are guilty and whose punishment is just according to the system of law they have broken….

The Global Growth Slowdown Spells Trouble for Bank Stocks

Be Warned: The phrase “the time of Jacob’s trouble” is a quote from Jeremiah 30:7 which says, “Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved…

Bankers That Get Arrested, Banks In Trouble… As-it-happens update

If materialism was ever to satisfy anyone, it would have been Solomon, the richest king the world has ever known. He had absolutely everything and had more of it than anyone, and yet he found it was all worthless and…

Deutsche Bank’s Impending Auf Wiedersehen Will Hurt Americans

Greed refuses to be satisfied. More often than not, the more we get, the more we want. Material possessions will not protect us—in this life or eternally. Jesus’ parable of the rich fool in Luke 12:13–21 illustrates this point well. Again, money…

First bank failure since 2017 is a wake-up call

Why is the love of money a root of all kinds of evil? To help us answer this, we must look at the passage in its greater context. Near the end of the letter (1 Timothy 6:2–10), Paul is exhorting…

Why Andrew Weissmann Is So Despised

The dictionary definition of self-righteousness is “confidence in one’s own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.” Bionically speaking, self-righteousness, which is related to legalism, is the idea that we can somehow generate within ourselves a…