Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

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Crashing Capital Markets and Banking Sector Bankruptcies, Followed by a Flood of Corporate Bankruptcies

Could the coronavirus act as a catalyst for a new global economic crisis? It certainly has that potential – but how would the crisis proceed?   In the December 2018 issue of our Q-Review, we laid out the likely scenarios of an approaching global economic collapse….

BoE Warns Of Worst Economic Slump In 300 Years

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) “voted unanimously” to keep the banking rate at 0.1% and left its bond-buying program unchanged despite the country’s worst economic slump in 300 years, caused by coronavirus lockdowns.  MPC voted 7-2 to leave its bond-buying program unchanged…

Michael ‘Big Short’ Burry Blasts “Unjustifiable” Lockdowns As “Most Devastating Economic Force In History”

Infamous for his painful but ultimately profitable “big short” bet against mortgage-backed securities during the 2008 financial crisis, Michael Burry, the doctor-turned-hedge-fund-manager has been on a multi-day Twitter rant claiming that the lockdowns intended to contain the COVID-19 pandemic are worse…

“A Multitrillion Dollar Helicopter Credit Drop”: How The Fed Turned $454 Billion Into $4.5 Trillion

Force is now the only rule remaining in deep state-controlled America. Everything has collapsed, no free speech, no fair trial, no system of justice, no reasonable expectation of human rights anywhere, no fair elections, no trustworthy news, no legitimate Wall…

Goldman On Gold: “Time To Buy The Currency Of Last Resort”

A month ago, Goldman Sachs suggested there is more to come for precious metals as with rates getting closer to their lower bound, gold looks increasingly like the safest haven. At the start of March, Goldman’s head of commodity strategy said there…

Ronin Capital Blows Up, Unable To Meet CME Capital Requirements After VIX Trade Goes Wrong

We have certainly had our share of dismal fund returns in the past two weeks, in the aftermath of a market crash that is now worse than the Great Depression, so far one thing was missing: a big blow-up, where…

Noted Investor Warns Trump If He Doesn’t “Shut Down” Entire Country for 30 Days

Due to coronavirus, we will lose “America as we know it”… While a number of experts have already warned that the impact of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) on the United States is expected to be tremendously negative, a respected hedge…

Midtown Manhattan Bank Runs Out Of $100 Bills Amid Corona Panic

With the stock market plummeting as the realities of the COVID-19 outbreak sink in, nervous New Yorkers flooded a Midtown Manhattan Bank of America – taking out large sums of cash into the tens of thousands of dollars at a…

The Blood Bath Has Begun

Don’t forget, the Spanish Flu pandemic lasted from January 1918 to December 1920.  Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Fear of the coronavirus is causing shutdowns on a global scale like we have never seen before.  Just about every major sporting event that you can…

We Just Witnessed The Largest Single Day Stock Market Point Crash In History (Again)

It has happened again.  On Thursday the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 2,352 points, which was the largest single-day stock market point crash in history.  Of course, the old record only lasted for three days, because on Monday the Dow…