Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System


#a state of great trouble or suffering. #Fraud #Banks #Money #Corruption B Of A Bank Run Bankers Banking Crash Christian News Financial news Godless Men Greed Lawlessness Merrill Lynch Prophecy Satan is celebrated The End Tribulation

When You Get An Email Like This From The Fed, It May Be Time To Panic

The Greek word for “truth” is aletheia, which literally means to “un-hide” or “hiding nothing.” It conveys the thought that truth is always there, always open and available for all to see, with nothing being hidden or obscured. The Hebrew word…

b/d of crude Bank Run Bankers Banking Crash Banks Biblical Prophecy Financial news Lawlessness News political systems Powerful Politicians, Businessmen Prophecy Reserve Currency The End ungodliness


These same money changers were associated with others who engaged in shady business practices in the temple courts. Some sold sacrificial animals, overcharging people who did not bring their own. Others were in charge of examining the animals to be sacrificed,…

Bank Fraud Bankers Banking Crash Banks Banks Chokehold Specialist, The Bankerster Biblical Prophecy end times Financial news Godless Men News

BANKS: A Biblical Perspective Of The Bankerster, A Sadducee Wrapped In A Pharisees Loincloth…

The Bankster’s hate bad press (lucky for them they own most of the mainstream media), so the situation was quickly rectified. This is but one of countless untold stories of a similar nature; and they all have one common thread…

#Fraud #Banks #Money #Corruption B Of A Bank Fraud Bank Run Bankers Banking Crash Banks Banks Chokehold Specialist, The Bankerster Bible (revelations) Biblical Prophecy Christian News False Prophets Financial news Godless Men Greed Lawlessness Merrill Lynch News Oil Prices suppression of the truth The End Tribulation ungodliness

Bank of America: “Enjoy It While It Lasts”

The term double-minded comes from the Greek word dipsuchos, meaning “a person with two minds or souls.” It’s interesting that this word appears only in the book of James (James 1:8; 4:8). Bible scholars conclude that James might have coined this word. To grasp…

"Censorship" #Fraud #Banks #Money #Corruption #TWITTER CENSORS CHRISTIAN Bank Corruption Bank Fraud Bankers Banking Crash Banks Banks Chokehold Specialist, The Bankerster Bible (revelations) end times Godless Men Greed Lawlessness

Bad Banks,Bad Bankers,The Norm?

Paul’s charge to us in Romans 13:8 to owe nothing but love is a powerful reminder of God’s distaste for all forms of debt that are not being paid in a timely manner (see also Psalm 37:21). At the same time, the Bible…

#Fraud #Banks #Money #Corruption Bank Fraud Bank Run Bankers Banking Crash Banks Biblical Prophecy end times Financial news Godless Men Greed Lawlessness Prophecy suppression of the truth Surviving your enemies The End Tribulation ungodliness

Ray Dalio Warns A “New Paradigm” Is Coming: “Buy Gold, Sell Stocks”

The principle Jesus teaches in Luke 16:9 is that everything we own should be used to further God’s kingdom. We are God’s stewards. Just as the unjust steward in the parable was “shrewd” in benefitting himself materially, so we should be “shrewd”…

#Fraud #Banks #Money #Corruption Bank Corruption Bank Fraud Bankers Banking Crash Banks Banks Chokehold Specialist, The Bankerster Bible (revelations) false prophets Greed groom and rape sword

The collapse of the banking system

False apostles are motivated by their greed, lust, or power. Second Timothy 3:1–8 describes such teachers in more detail: “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud,…

Bank Corruption Bank Fraud Bankers Banking Crash Banks Banks Chokehold Specialist, The Bankerster Bible (revelations) Biblical Prophecy Bitcoin end times false prophets Godless Men Greed MEGABANKS’ BAILOUTS Satan is celebrated suppression of the truth Surviving your enemies sword Trump ungodliness

You Are Paying for Banks’ Crimes

The Top Three Banks: Jp Morgan, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo. All Told, During the First Quarter of This Year, the Moneylenders Racked up $2.5 Billion in Overdraft Fees from Consumers. The money changers in the temple courts were…