Posts Tagged ‘Bank Cover ups’
Cleary Gottlieb – Outside Counsel to Wall Street’s Serially Bailed Out Megabanks – Tarnishes the FDIC Chair in its So-Called “Independent” Report BanksterCrime: By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Martin Gruenberg, Chair, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Yesterday, the Big Law firm Cleary Gottlieb released its so-called “independent review” of charges of sexual harassment at the…
Campus Protests Over Gaza Open a Pandora’s Box for Wall Street Megabanks that Underwrote $8 Billion of Israel’s Bonds in March BanksterCrime: By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: Protestor Wears a Swamp Creature Costume Outside Goldman Sachs Headquarters, January 17, 2017 The pro-Palestinian protestors on college and university campuses across the U.S. have opened a pandora’s…
Banks In Trouble
Why Analysts Are Apprehensive About a Potential Us Banking Disaster… The month of March 2024 is unsettling investors. One significant plan to support the US banking system is coming to an end, and another might be coming to an end. Some economic analysts are concerned about another banking catastrophe. How concerned should we then be?…
By SRH, By NWO Design, the Watchman Banks Are Failing. Republic First Bank in Philadelphia Was Too Exposed to the Real Estate Market, and the FDIC Has Taken Over,More to Come People! SRH Video By SRH, The New World Order folks continue to tear down our most important infrastructure,banking institutions,family,Churches Etc. The publicly traded Republic…
BanksterCrime: Wall Street’s Judge Shopping Continues: It’s Trying to Stop the FTC’s Ban on Worker Handcuffs Known as Non-Compete Agreements By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Sullivan & Cromwell, the go-to law firm for Wall Street in the past, has become a case study in how not to manage one’s corporate reputation. (See Wall Street’s Go-To Law…
The Fed Tallies Up a Big Threat to Financial Stability in the U.S.: “Runnables” at $21.3 Trillion BanksterCrime: By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Federal Reserve Building in Washington, D.C. Last Friday, the Federal Reserve released its semi-annual Financial Stability Report. In the prior five years, the spring edition of the Fed’s Financial Stability Report was released in…
Billionaire-Owned Media Has Gone Full Throttle to Save Fellow Billionaire, Jamie Dimon BanksterCrime: By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: The Washington Post Editorial Board appears to have sipped the same kool aid as Bloomberg News. As we’ve frequently reported in the past, Bloomberg News has spent the better part of the last decade attempting to brainwash the…
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: Yesterday, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee held a hearing under the title: “Examining Scams and Fraud in the Banking System and Their Impact on Consumers.” Let that title sink in for a moment – “Scams and Fraud,” “Banking System.” That’s the federally-insured banking system of the United States of America in…
BanksterCrime: By Pam Martens and Russ Martens,Stanford Finance and Economics Professor Anat Admati has been valiantly attempting to save the American financial system from the corrupting influence and disinformation campaigns of men like JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon for more than a decade. Her voice is gaining traction and that’s making Dimon very nervous.Dimon has admitted in his…
Larry Fink is not your friend. By Good morning. I’d like to address the Indian community of potential investors as well as Americans who see these. Larry Fink, the other day had a interview on CNBC, a conversation about India and its capital markets. He was extolling the virtues of American capital markets and…