Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

True Tyranny Always Begins with the Censoring of Free Speech

"Make America Great Again," #Fraud #Banks #Money #Corruption bad business Bank lock Down Bible (revelations) covid 19 the government is your friend, and the media are its helpers. True Tyranny Always Begins with the Censoring of Free Speech

Small Business Guarantees Are A Bucket Of Moral BS Fraud

The coronavirus Small Business Relief program is a bucket of first come first serve moral fraud. The New York Times says Small-Business Relief Effort ‘a Mess’ The Hill says Small businesses still struggling for loans even as $100B is approved The Trump…

#a state of great trouble or suffering. Christian News end times Godless Men LGBT Pedophile Satan is celebrated Transgender Identity—Wishing Away God’s Design Tribulation True Tyranny Always Begins with the Censoring of Free Speech

Truth and Consequences

How can one write about the underlying truth of the economy in a nation where the majority of people do not care about truth? Disregard of truth has become so extreme in the US that we have exceeded the peculiarity…