The Dilemma Facing China Is Truly Awful

As has been the case since Monday’s sell-off, there is an attempt to try to look on the bright side of the virus headlines. Chinese officials are spreading the word globally that things are under control and that other country should not be closing their borders to China, in line with the WHO recommendations that…


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What Upstanding Citizens Believe Vs. What Crazy Conspiracy Theorists Believe

Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via, Source Crazy, stupid conspiracy theorists believe a mature worldview requires skepticism toward power. Smart upstanding citizens believe the government is your friend, and the media are its helpers. Crazy, stupid conspiracy theorists believe that powerful people sometimes make immoral plans in secret. Smart upstanding citizens believe the TV always tells the…


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The Beast Is Almost Complete, Deutsche Bank to Replace 18,000 Workers with Robots

Deutsche Bank plans 18,000 job cuts in robot strategy called “Operations 4.0”. Operations 4.0 Underway Deutsche Bank says Operations 4.0 is already underway. The plan is to Replace 18,000 Jobs With Robots. Mark Matthews, head of operations for Deutsche’s corporate and investment bank, told Financial News that machine learning algorithms “massively increased productivity” and “redistribute capacity.”…


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