Central Banks
Texas Could Be The Epicenter Of The Next Subprime Auto Crisis
The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger…. “Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of man and devils”… My name is Steve Meyers and I need to share a vision and warning that the Lord showed me back in April 2007…. Many of you will…
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Innovation BIS 2025: A Stepping Stone Towards An Economic “New World Order”
The IMF’s annual meetings held in Washington DC last week demonstrated that when the institution issues new economic projections or warnings of a downturn, the mainstream press is not averse to giving them prominent coverage. After the Fund was founded in 1944 (off the back of World War Two), it became part of what internationalists call…
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Peter Schiff: QE Is A Monetary Roach Motel
This Is Not a Printing Press! (Or Is It?) Rene Magritte’s 1929 painting “The Treachery of Images,” depicts a tobacco pipe with a caption that reads “Ceci n’est pas une pipe,” (French for “This is not a pipe”). Everyone who has taken a course in modern art knows that Magritte’s exercise in contradiction was meant to…
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“Paper Money Systems Have Always Wound-Up With Collapse And Chaos”, Buffett Senior
Warren Buffett, despite his extraordinary investment success, has a rather famous and long-standing love/hate relationship with precious metals. Maybe it started with his dad – Congressman Howard Buffett of Nebraska – who, as a staunch advocate for the gold standard, argued to his colleagues on Capitol Hill that “paper money systems have always wound up with collapse…
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These Are The Banks Where The Fed’s $1.4 Trillion In Reserves Are Parked, Big Trouble-Birth Pains
Over the past few days there has been much confusion over the repocalpyse that shook the overnight funding market, and just as much confusion over the definition of reserves which some banks were unwilling to part with, other banks were desperate for, and in the end both Powell and the former head of the NY Fed’s markets…
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Blain: “Central Banks Are No Longer A Solution – They Have Become The Risk”
“A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.” This speaks against the “get-rich-quick” mentality. Looking at investment as a long-term plan for the future is good planning, but trying to make a fortune overnight is not. We really should focus on the signals emanating from bond…
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