The Effects of a Falling US Dollar on the Economy of the United States Birth Pains
The Tribulation is a future time period when the Lord will accomplish at least two aspects of His plan: 1)…
$1,400,000,000,000 Gone In Less Than A Week – Stock Market In Turmoil As The Trade War Dramatically Escalates
The apostle Paul reminds his readers that followers of Christ must not build their lives around things that have no…
When You Get An Email Like This From The Fed, It May Be Time To Panic
The Greek word for “truth” is aletheia, which literally means to “un-hide” or “hiding nothing.” It conveys the thought that truth…
Buckle Up, It’s About to Get Nasty
The Bible does not specifically condemn gambling, betting, or the lottery. The Bible does warn us, however, to stay away from…
Hell’s Top Banker Explains “How To Destroy The Global Economy”
The Bible prophesies of many events that will occur in the end times. These events can be categorized as natural…
Real cause of the American Revolution, MONEY
Businessmen, if you turn a $200 thousand dollar business into a $200 million dollar business, not by glittering your lifestyle,…
Problem Banks,Bubbles Always Burst.
Why is the love of money a root of all kinds of evil? To help us answer this, we must…
Six ‘Criminal’ Banks Finally Identified and Exposed! Why No Media Coverage?
Why is it so important to understand and embrace the concept of absolute truth in all areas of life (including…
Trump Slams Fed After Market Meltdown: “As Usual, Powell Let Us Down”
Scripture shows us that physical evils—sickness, famine, war, and death—are the result of moral evil. And moral evil is something…
These same money changers were associated with others who engaged in shady business practices in the temple courts. Some sold sacrificial…