Blain: “Step Back, Hunker Down, Get Ready…”
“Vulgar, but not a vulgar as Louis Vuitton, thought Sherman.” Perhaps it’s time to think about the unthinkable and close…
A Shift In The Global Financial Order Is Upon Us
The collapse in bond yields, exacerbated by the crash in oil prices, marks an end to the era of trust…
Former Co-Head Of Investment Banking At Goldman Asia Banned For Life By The Fed
Former Goldman Sachs partner Andrea Vella has been barred from the industry over his involvement in the Malaysian investment fund…
Fed Policy And The Wuhan Coronavirus
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Abe Maslow, the same fellow who developed the “hierarchy…
Bernanke Hints At Negative Rates, “Purchases Of Private Securities” To Fight Next Recession
…We can’t rule out the possibility that, at some point in the next few years, our economy will slow, perhaps significantly….
What Upstanding Citizens Believe Vs. What Crazy Conspiracy Theorists Believe
Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via, Source Crazy, stupid conspiracy theorists believe a mature worldview requires skepticism toward power. Smart upstanding…
Making A Fortune: 19 Million Public Employees Across America Cost Taxpayers Nearly $1 Trillion
For the first time in history, 19 million public employee salaries at every level of government across America have been…
Schiff On ‘The Bubble’: “It’s Only A Matter Of Time Before The Whole Thing Implodes”
Vioa, Everybody knows that the 2008 financial crisis was caused by “deregulation” and “greed,” right? Except that it wasn’t. A…
Krieger: “It’s A Systemic Looting On A Massive Scale”
The United States has historically bragged about its free and transparent markets. But what the Fed is doing today is…
Election Apocalypse: Investors Fears Very Negative Event a Year From Here and Are Placing Bets to Hedge Themselves
The stock exchange is somehow similar to weather forecasts. You never know what’s going to happen but it’s better to…