Wildfires are raging out of control in western states doing millions of dollars in damage and disrupting countless…
Last week, we brought you some of the latest musing from Bank of America’s Jared Woodard, who in the latest…
We have been watching, with disbelief and bemusement, how the “recovery-narrative” has been touted in the financial media…
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome…
In 1976, economist Herbert Stein, father of Ben Stein, the economics professor in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, observed…
www.zerohedge.com Soaring financial markets are blithely indifferent to lingering vulnerabilities in the US economy. But the impact of consumers’…
Central banks are killing our currency to protect the already-rich… In our recent article It’s Time To Position For…
It has now been revealed that the fall of Dan Kamensky’s Marble Ridge Capital was at the hands of…
Stocks Are Crashing, VIX Spikes As Option-Players Panic-Buy Protection
Trouble: VIX is back above 30… …and its put-buying not call-buying this time… The S&P is down over…