(Reality–New World Order Pukes ) Our President Knows the End Is Near With the Current Financial Apparatus… The…
In recent weeks, many have opined – this website included – that with the US economy careening into a double…
We most recently described the Fed’s stealthy plan to deposit digital dollars to “each American” during the next…
The Comptroller of the Currency has finally handed down its punishment for the compliance failures that helped bring…
Vitol Group, the world’s largest independent oil-trading firm, has been startled by the prospects of peak oil demand…
Global de-dollarization resumed in the second quarter according to data recently released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). While the dollar…
Since launching its last major international expansion push in the late 1990s, Deutsche Bank has become knonw –…
As the world obsesses over Trump’s taxes or whether or not he is using oxygen during his covid…
This is Part 1 of a 4-part series. fi·nan·cial·i·za·tion /fəˌnanCHələˈzāSHən, fīˌnanCHələˈzāSHən/ noun The process by which financial institutions,…
Banks Are In Trouble: Wells Tumbles As Revenues Plunge, NIM Hits Record Low, Warns On Payment Deferrals
If there is one constant during earnings season, it is that no matter what the other banks do,…