Posts by StevieRay Hansen
Equity Focus: Investors Taking a Second Look at BancorpSouth Bank (NYSE:BXS) After Recent Market Moves,Money Flow Indicator Has Ducked Below The Zero Line
Wealth-creating capitalism requires more than just competition and trading. Beneficial capitalism is founded on the “rule of law and virtues like cooperation, stable families, self-sacrifice, a commitment to delayed gratification, and a willingness to risk based on future hope. These all, “fit nicely with a Christian view.” Major market players are buzzing over BancorpSouth Bank…
Chevron New (CVX) Shareholder Fort Point Capital Partners Cut Its Stake
JUST BECAUSE WE CAN’T SPECIFY THE EXACT REASON FOR PAIN, THAT DOESN’T MEAN THERE ISN’T ONE. Bank are bad for society as a whole, Christians should know borrowing money from evil sources results in being unequally yoked, you’re a slave to the money changers, break free….. Fort Point Capital Partners Llc decreased its stake in…
MetLife Investment Advisors LLC lessened its position in shares of Bancorpsouth Bank (NYSE:BXS) by 19.9% in the 4th quarter
Why doesn’t God cause Christians to win the lottery so the money can be given to good causes? God doesn’t need the lottery to fund the causes He supports. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10). If God wanted a Christian to win the lottery, He would not even need the Christian…
Technical Investor Update for Bancorpsouth Inc (BXS)
I have a confession to make. Every once in a while, when the lottery jackpot is worth at least a few hundred million dollars, I will spend two dollars on a lottery ticket. I don’t think I’ve ever matched more than two numbers, but the chance at winning such a large amount of money is…
Criminals got good service at Nordic banks
Being “good” can get you far in our world. Good behavior wins praise, commuted jail terms, and tangible rewards. Good deeds net accolades and often tax benefits. Good things come to those who wait, who do good for others, who spread good “karma.” And we celebrate “goodness” the most during this time of year. But…
He is a no stranger to the readers of business and corporate crime.
God did not overlook the corruption in Noah’s day: “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). In judgment for sin, God promised to send a Flood to destroy man and the earth (Genesis…
BancorpSouth Bank:Transgender robber convicted of stealing to fund sex change operations
The Golden Rule is doing to others what you would want them to do to you. If you were living a life controlled by a depraved and destructive sin (stealing), that, according to the Bible, leads to eternal separation from God—would you want people to tell you everything is okay, or tell you the truth?…
Ichimoku Signal Alert For BancorpSouth Bank (NYSE:BXS) as Cloud Conversion Line Reading Touches (9, 26, 52, 26)}}
Today, the list of capital sins is as follows: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, and sloth. Capital sins derive their name from the Latin caput, meaning “head.” Thomas Aquinas later would call them not “sins,” but “vices.” Aquinas declared that a capital vice is that which has a desirable end so that, in his desire…
Bancorpsouth Bank (NYSE:BXS) Stock Rating Lowered by Stephens
The Bible offers quite a few examples of growing wealth through legitimate means. Some are similar to investing—spending money now to make money later. God’s intentions for how we should manage our wealth are found in many Scriptures. The following are a few examples. Proverbs 28:20 says, “A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one…
Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan steps down as bank struggles to get past scandals
The word mammon comes from the Greek word mammonas. Similar root words exist in Hebrew, Latin, Aramaic, Chaldean and Syriac. They all translate to “money, wealth, and material possessions.” In biblical culture the word mammon often carried a negative connotation. It was sometimes used to describe all lusts and excesses: gluttony, greed, and dishonest worldly gain. Ultimately, mammon described an idol of…