Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

StevieRay Hansen

The Pandora’s Box Of Fed’s Digital Currency Will Ignite An “Inflationary Conflagration”

We most recently described the Fed’s stealthy plan to deposit digital dollars to “each American” during the next crisis as…


Citigroup Hit With $400 Million Fine Over AML Failures That Led To Mike Corbat’s Downfall

The Comptroller of the Currency has finally handed down its punishment for the compliance failures that helped bring about an…


World’s Top Oil Trader Is Now A Used Car Salesman

Vitol Group, the world’s largest independent oil-trading firm, has been startled by the prospects of peak oil demand as it…


De-Dollarization Trend Remains Intact

Global de-dollarization resumed in the second quarter according to data recently released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). While the dollar share of…


The SEC Is Making Deutsche’s CEO Personally Responsible For Bank’s Crimes

Since launching its last major international expansion push in the late 1990s, Deutsche Bank has become knonw – particularly over…


“Digital Euro” as It Begins Experiments on Digital Currency Launch — the Banking Industry Is Very Concerned Digital Currency Will Kill the Banking Industry

As the world obsesses over Trump’s taxes or whether or not he is using oxygen during his covid hospitalization, the…


Financialization & The Road To Zero, Part 1: The Evolution Of Commerce

This is Part 1 of a 4-part series. fi·nan·cial·i·za·tion /fəˌnanCHələˈzāSHən, fīˌnanCHələˈzāSHən/ noun The process by which financial institutions, markets et…


Former Deutsche Bank Traders Convicted Of Fraud For Spoofing Precious Metals Between 2008 And 2013

Former Deutsche Bank AG traders Cedric Chanu and James Vorley were convicted for manipulating gold and silver prices on Friday…


“An Extremely Dangerous Game” – Central Bankers ‘Extend & Pretend’ Has Increased Risk Of “Catastrophic Collapse”

In recent weeks, there has been a lot of talk about the role of the world’s central bankers going forward. With that…


‘There Is No Monopoly Here:’ Tim Cook Welcomes Antitrust Investigation of Apple

Speaking at the Atlantic Festival recently, Apple CEO Tim Cook discussed the antitrust issues that the tech giant is facing…
